Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Purge, Part…I lost count!


So today was our last big selling opportunity, and it was a success. Praise God that the rain held off until we were home and unloaded!

My parents came to the rescue again. My mom stayed home with the kiddos, and my dad spent most of the day with me. We loaded up my dad’s pickup and my van to fill up 2 spaces at the flea market. When we packed up what we didn’t sell around 1pm, I was able to put all my van seats back up. I did fill the trunk space with things for Goodwill. (Better chance of getting it to Goodwill if it stays in the van, right?) The truck had more empty boxes than full ones, so I think today was worth of the stress, sweat and effort. Plus, I filled up the bed of Dad’s truck with stuff for him to take to the dump or deliver to family in Mifflintown!

You may be wondering what my house looks like after all this purging…Well, it doesn’t look too different. Most of our furniture will be sold to close friends and family members right before we leave. (They’re gracious enough to let us use it until we move.) The rest we’ll store until God tells us where our next home will be. The basement looks empty…Now, the staging begins!

Prayer Requests:

1.) Health! The stomach bug refuses to leave!! We’ll be missing church for a full month at this point. I guess that’s the downfall of having so many kids…it takes FOREVER for a virus to pass through the entire family.

2.) Our house. We need wisdom to know what to do with our house. Sell? Rent? Timing? How to stage it?

3.) Support. Please pray that God will raise up enough prayer and financial support for us.

4.) Comfort. May the God of all Comfort comfort us like only He can. The boys are getting nervous. I can tell by their clinginess, their unwillingness to be alone, their mood swings. And, of course, Aaron and I are feeling the pressure of the ticking clock. So much to do, so little time to do it. Are we really moving…to Kenya???

5.) Levi. It’s been 2 weeks since we moved him into the toddler bed, and his sleep hasn’t been the same. He’s out of the bed at least a dozen times every night. He wakes up super early every morning. It’s exhausting for him and me. Please pray that he’ll rest well in the big boy bed, and that Aaron and I will have wisdom to know how to help him feel comfortable in his new bed.

Thank you, prayer warriors!!

Day 1 is Done!


Today marked the first day of our homeschool year. Noah started first grade, and Jacob began kindergarten. Both are using My Father’s World curriculums, and both are super excited.
In preparation for the big day, we sent Levi (the 2 year old) to Nana’s for a couple of days. I had one day to finish my preparations, and then we started the new schedule today. It was easier…Even I didn’t realize just how much time and energy that kid requires! However, I’ve been a little under the weather with a stomach bug; Hannah was fussier than usual yesterday and today; and Noah and Jacob evidently forgot how to play without a pesky little trouble maker around. Needless to say, the last 2 days weren’t as carefree and restful as I thought they would be, but I did get Day 1 of school accomplished. The picture shows the creation mural we began today. He worked so hard on it and was so proud to show Daddy!


After breakfast was cleaned up and Hannah was down for her morning nap, Jacob and I set up our little school station at the dining room table. He learned about Day 1 of creation, worked really hard at coloring the ‘light’ for his Creation Mural, and then reviewed the first 2 letters of the alphabet. Even though Noah was upstairs playing happily when Jacob and I started our school day, he somehow sensed that we were spending one-on-one time together and just HAD to interrupt…And the fighting began. Ugh!

Fortunately, I was finishing up with Jacob, so I could start the part of school that they’ll complete together. Unfortunately, this part is a little different for each of them. Both curriculums focus on the need to be able to count to 100, so each boy has his own 100 chart and ways to practice the ‘number of the day.’ Well, Noah has more ways to explore each number, so Jacob was jealous. Then, Noah was mad that I wanted him to share his new school blocks. Oh, why are these boys so competitive???

Anyway, Hannah woke up 45 minutes early from her nap, so she was screaming as I was trying to get Noah and Jacob quietly playing with the blocks. That didn’t work. I resorted to having Jacob help me with Hannah…Good thing he is madly in love with his little sister. 🙂

After lunch, story time and putting Hannah down for her afternoon nap, I attempted to do school with Noah. Of course Jacob wanted to participate, but I wasn’t about to let the morning yelling match repeat itself. Jacob had to occupy himself while Noah learned how to add, reviewed the first 3 letters of the alphabet, and practiced his writing skills. The picture below shows him building with his math blocks. He’s quite creative!


In addition to our new school-year routine, I’ve implemented new chores for the boys. It’s working out really well. They love helping me clean the bathroom once a week. Even Levi helps! In addition to this weekly chore, each boy has daily chores. While we’re still learning how to do our best each and every day, they are doing a wonderful job and are loving earning an allowance.

Thank you for praying for me today. Although it wasn’t a picture perfect first day of school, we succeeded in accomplishing our goals. Tomorrow is a new day. Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to our new daily structure. And if you could pray that this stomach bug leaves me without infecting the kids and Aaron, I’d greatly appreciate it! (I’m sure they’d appreciate it too.)

Christmas Letter Time??


Is it Christmas card time already?

No. It’s support card mailing time…finally! We’ve had this letter written and the cards in our possession for months, but we’re just now getting our act together. If you haven’t received one, it means we think you already got one OR we don’t have your current address. Let us know if you want a letter and/or support card and we’ll get it right out to you…Well, we’ll at least put it on our very long (and ever-growing-longer) to-do list, and we will mail it to you eventually. 🙂