Monthly Archives: January 2013

Travel Itinerary


We begin our journey to our new home a week from tomorrow. As we frantically pack up our house, purchase last minute necessities, and fill out paperwork, please keep us in your prayers. We can already feel them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sleeping! and I’d be throwing way more tantrums than I am!

Below you’ll find a detailed itinerary for the next 2 weeks so that you can pray specifically for us each day. Our new home is 8 hours ahead of our home in the States, so I tried to include both times in the itinerary. Sorry if I didn’t get it right or if I confused anyone. God is timeless, so it doesn’t matter when you pray! 🙂 Thank you in advance for your faithfulness in your part of our mission to the people of Bomet, Kenya.

January 22: Hannah’s 1st birthday! Please pray a special blessing over her today and for safe travels as we pick up the kids from the farm and head home to begin the final stretch of packing and purging. (I had to include this picture taken by Cool Aunt Kate. Isn’t Hannah a doll??)

Hannah at 1

January 23: Wellness visits for Hannah and Levi.

January 24: My last Bible study with my friends. I will miss these ladies so much. 😦

January 25: Wellness visit for Noah. Pray that he’ll be cooperative and that the insurance will cover his check up.

January 26: Farewell breakfast with friends from MOPS. Good byes are getting harder and harder as we approach our departure date. Then, Aaron and I renew our driver’s licenses. Pray that this will be a smooth and quick procedure.

January 27: We speak at our home church. Our last Sunday there. More good-byes.

January 28: Aaron’s life insurance physical. Our cable modem will be removed! Yikes!! No internet!

January 29: We head to Lehigh Valley International Airport in the morning for our 12:25p.m. departure for Atlanta, Georgia. Please pray for us as we say good bye to our families and board the plane to go to a place we’ve never seen. There will be many emotions. Pray also for little ears in the planes, especially Hannah’s. Once we land in Atlanta at 2:45p.m., we have an almost 3 hour layover and then it’s on the loooong plane ride to Amsterdam. It will take us almost 9 hours to get to Amsterdam. We will land at approximately 1:00 a.m. EST but it will be 8am there.

January 30: After a 2 hour layover, we fly from Amsterdam to Nairobi. This will be another 8 hour flight with a 2 hour time change. We will arrive in Nairobi around 8:30pm (12:30p.m. EST). Then, we must go through immigration, customs, pick up 16 pieces of luggage, keep track of 4 kids, find our driver, get all of us and our luggage into his van, and arrive at our hotel. (I think prayer requests are obvious here!)

Map of our travels

January 31: Our day of rest at our hotel, which is called the Mennonite House. They will cook for us, and there is a playground for the kids. Pray that we can rest and begin our adjustment to the time and that our luggage that will go before us to Tenwek will arrive there in one piece.

February 1: Shopping trip in Nairobi. I’ll be purchasing everything we need for the next month or so. Please pray for wisdom. Also pray for Aaron who will be at the Mennonite House with all 4 children by himself.

February 2: Driving to Bomet, Kenya to our new home! Pray for safe travels and that we might see giraffes! 🙂 Also pray for NO car sickness, few potty breaks, and happy babies.

February 3-??: Just keep praying for us as we adjust to our new lives. I’ll try to update you via this blog and/or facebook as other specific prayer requests come up.