Monthly Archives: March 2016

Year 3.


As I sit and try to write this post, I find myself at a loss for words. I so wish I had something elegant and Spirit-filled to write, but I don’t…

Instead, I rush the 3 big boys outside and then downstairs to watch a movie. I just need the house to be quiet. I rock Joshua and cherish the cuddles, for I don’t get enough time to hold this up-and-coming big boy. I lay in bed and cry over how much my heart hurts, and then I feel our littlest guy kick and punch from within. I am so blessed by these sons.

But right now, all I need is time to be sad. I give myself that time. It’s time to grieve what might have been, to shut out the world for a day, and to just survive.

This morning, in God’s perfect timing and provision, He led me to Psalm 28. Verse 7 says, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” While I’m not leaping for joy today, I do most days. He is my strength and shield, today and always. I will put my trust in Him, for where else can we turn?

Once again, God has provided just what we need when we need it. From the countless prayers to the sweet notes and kind gestures, we are overwhelmed by the love the Father can lavish upon us through His Body, the church. Thank you for your obedience! You know who you are. 🙂

Our Budding Missionary

Our Budding Missionary

Before we left for Kenya the first time, we were intentional about calling our children missionaries. We told them that God had called them just as much as He called us. We prayed with them every day that God would help us to be the best missionaries that we could be. We still believe that the boys are missionaries both here in the States and in Kenya.

my four monkeys

Our four little missionaries. February 2013

BUT…Let’s face it, their ministry is mostly made up of shooting each other with Nerf guns, climbing trees, and playing soccer. Yes, they play these games with the nationals. Yes, they participate in our outreaches to the hospital, community, and orphanages. Yes, they are all missionaries, but I have one child in particular that is showing true signs of owning this title.

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Missionaries. Fall 2015.

Noah, our firstborn, has always been strong-willed, a force to be reckoned with. I swear he cried 100% of the time he was not held for the first 2 months of his life. Then, we figured out that he enjoyed the swing! We gained a little freedom then, but we still, 10 years later, spend much energy teaching him to submit his will to ours, and ultimately God’s.


Baby Noah.

Noah is also our artist. Although he flat-out refused to color in kindergarten, he loves to create things out of random mediums, draw (and color his drawings!), and make scenes out of Legos or dough. One of my favorite creations was a 4-foot paper dinosaur made from construction paper and tape. I think he was 3 or 4 years old at the time. I wish I could find that picture!



Now that he’s a big fourth grader, he has decided to use his God-given artistic abilities to serve others. After praying about it for a few weeks, he came up with a plan. He drew some pictures, had me post them on Facebook, and sold them to some generous buyers. Then, after he sold several pieces of art, he purchased some Bibles through Voice of the Martyrs. This is a great organization that supports the persecuted church and provides Bible to people in closed countries.


His most recent item sold.

We are so proud of him. He especially has a heart for Muslims and would love to work in Egypt someday. No matter what he does in the future, we pray that he will be guided by the Holy Spirit and that he will live in obedience to Christ.

To God be the glory!

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise God for our sons! We know God has a special plan for each of them, and we pray that we are helpful in them seeking the Lord’s direction in their lives. Please pray for us as parents and for the boys as we all learn how to obey God’s voice.
  2. Praise God for good travels and connections in February. We were able to speak 3 different times, and we have been blessed by our supporters. Please continue to pray that God would raise up our support team.
  3. I praise God for Noah’s love for Joshua. He is so good with babies. He often does his school work with Joshua on his lap. Pray for Noah’s heart to soften and for him to begin to hear God’s voice on his own. (He has been asking a lot of questions about how we know when God speaks to us.)
  4. I praise God for Jacob’s studious, helpful nature. He just finished Level 2 in spelling! (Yes, he’s in his pajamas! That’s a perk of homeschooling.)
  5. I praise God for Levi’s faith. He has committed to pray every day that we would get back to Kenya as soon as possible.
  6. I praise God for Joshua’s budding personality. He is so busy and curious. It’s hard for me to keep up with him!

  7. Please continue to pray for our unborn boy. Everything is going great!

Isaiah 54:13 “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.”